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Animal Assisted Therapies: Alternative Methods in Mental Health Care?

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February 17, 2021

Key Takeaways

Scientific research has shown that a patient's interaction with an animal can provide positive physical and emotional benefits.  It can reduce stress levels and invoke a sense of well-being.  Animal-assisted therapy acts as a catalyst to motivate patients to help themselves. A child will happily take a dog for a walk, or throw the animal a ball, forgetting the pain for a little while and moving closer to going home.

An alternative technique to mental health care is one that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health was developed in 1992 to assist examine alternative methods of treatment and to integrate those that are reliable into traditional health care practice.

Animal Assisted Therapies

Working with an animal (or animals) under the guidance of a healthcare expert might benefit some people with mental illness by facilitating favorable modifications, such as increased compassion and improved socialization abilities. Animals can be utilized as part of group treatment programs to encourage communication and increase the capability to focus. Developing self-confidence and minimizing solitude and anxiety are just some potential advantages of individual-animal therapy (Delta Society, 2002).

Animal Doctors: An Alternative Way To Get Stress And Anxiety Relief

A day's work ends not at "quitting time." After a difficult day's work, one can not simply rush home and immediately relax on the sofa with feet raised. After long hours of paper sorting, laborious analysis and hours more of report writing, the typical worker can not just relax understanding that there are still more things to done in the house. 8 hours at the office is followed by more domestic tasks such as cleaning up the living room, cleaning the dishes, or washing. Being at home is just like doing another work shift, but this time, without the requirement to wear that tie or long-heeled pair of Prada.

As a reward, a pet enthusiast can likewise delight in being with a congenial companion that helps one get over all the stress and anxiety at the office. Having a pet, like having a family, can be a real stress-buster.

Medical studies reveal that cuddling an animal can function as anxiety relief. Having a family pet assists lower high blood pressure and soothes the feelings after a chaotic day. The business of animals offers a person a state of tranquility and relaxation. Endorphins, the human hormone that eliminates discomfort, are simpler released when an individual enjoys the business of a family pet animal. Other research clearly prove that cuddling a dog can help reduce stress and stress and anxiety. The act of petting is not only reassuring to the dog but for the owner as well.

Studies also state that dolphin vocalizations, or the noise being produced by these continental rack residents, act as stress and anxiety relief which can also lower blood pressures and cause calm thoughts. These carnivorous mammals that really feed on squid and fish are not your typical home animals.

Bird songs are also natural anxiety relief as those noises bring unparalleled sense of calm to the listener. Listening to the chirping birds can also ease one's mind from stress and stress and anxiety. Psychiatrists and behavioral experts point out that listening or cuddling such animals to their natural noises can be an efficient method to promote psychological health and physical restoration.

Nevertheless, there are still some quarters that criticize the efficiency of animal-assisted treatment. They state that treatment utilizing animals are not as effective as taking stress and anxiety medications. They contend that "there is still no engaging scientific proof that proves that animal-assisted therapy is a legitimate therapy or simply an answer to a short lived state of mind."

Science might not yet hold concrete evidence of the benefits of animal-assisted therapy. It is important to know that millions have actually currently benefited mentally and physically by having a pet as a companion. Still, no matter how tiresome and tiring your office day was, having actually a relaxed minute with your household and animals ought to be considered as an alternative "restorative" technique to promote one's health.

Diet and Nutrition  

Adjusting both diet plan and nutrition may help some people with mental disorders manage their symptoms and promote healing. Research suggests that getting rid of milk and wheat items can reduce the intensity of signs for some people who have schizophrenia and some kids with autism. Likewise, some holistic/natural physicians utilize natural treatments, B-complex vitamins, magnesium, riboflavin, and thiamine to deal with anxiety, autism, depression, drug-induced psychoses, and hyperactivity.

Pastoral Counseling

Some individuals prefer to look for assistance for mental illness from their pastor, rabbi, or priest, instead of from therapists who are not affiliated with a religious community. Therapists working within standard faith neighborhoods progressively are acknowledging the need to integrate psychotherapy and/or medication, along with prayer and spirituality, to successfully assist some people with mental illness.

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