Key Takeaways
In dog and human communication, the paw parent should understand the importance of tone and volume. It is not about what you say, but how you say the word.
Aside from non-verbal actions, pronunciation with proper tone and volume in the canine language is crucial.
When training dogs, any trainer would tell you that visual signals are effective tools when speaking to our furry friends. But what would make more difference if you want your pup to understand you? It is about knowing when to raise or lower your voice.
The Importance Of Tone and Volume In Dog and Human Communication
Suppose our furry pals can't understand the words that we say. Why are spoken words also important in dog and human communication, then? While the body language means so much in speaking to animals, the volume and tone also add clues to our message.
The tone and volume that you make are also crucial in times of emergencies. A dog may respond to a command when it is not facing you. For example, we all know how canines would react aggressively to a stranger. With a verbal command, you can get your pup's attention. It will turn running back at you, looking for a treat.
When you can't see your dog, good verbal communication gives you control. A quick call can bring your dog running toward you. Voice command is effective when you use proper vocal tone and volume.
Can Dogs Distinguish Different Tone And Volume?
The different intonations that you make when you speak are a little more complex. Your dog may pick up on your tone of voice, which may reflect joy, love, sadness, disappointment, or worry. It may do different actions if you whisper, speak calmly, or shout out loud. Here are some emotions that a pup may pick up when you change your tone of voice.
A canine may distinguish a cheerful tone through high volume. Speaking to your dog with a cheerful voice can signal that you want to play. You can also use it for praise when your furry pal behaves as you wish.
Whenever you go home, don't you sound so happy to see your pup? Then, you would often express your feelings through a high-pitched tone. As a response, the dog will perk its ears or wag the tail fast in a circular motion. Dogs can associate a particular behavior with a happy owner if you do it often.
When you want to express the feeling of disappointment, low volume and tone can make the difference. It can command attention if you're going to disapprove of a particular behavior of your dog. Then, a dog would often respond by lowering its head and tail. It may not come soon, but your pup will learn that it is not good to play with your rag.
If you want to express your affection and caring towards your pup, a soothing tone of voice is helpful when bonding with your dog. Soft, low volume and high-pitched tone promote comfort. It's like what you would do to a crying baby. You'll talk softly while petting your furry friend. It may sound "cheesy," but dogs also want to feel some "hooman" love.
Firm voice means authority. If you want to give a command or correct your pup, you can do it in a low volume and tone. It helps in getting a dog's attention. Almost any dog breed respects this tone of voice. Even when you're its best friend, you still need to have authority and control, especially when the dog is with other people.
High volume and either high or low pitch sound can mean caution to dogs. You can use this tone when you want your dog to stop in his tracks. You will get your dog's attention immediately if you give a sudden command in this tone and volume.
But make sure not to overuse it and give rewards and praises to your pup when it responds. Otherwise, the canine may feel it's just a habit that you do, and it may ignore you.
What Does A Dog Hear When You Talk?
When a dog barks, "Arf! Arf! Arf!" it is challenging to decipher what it is trying to say because there are no words. But when people talk to canines, we sound just precisely the same to them.
From head to toe, your actions give the dog a signal about the message you are trying to convey. But, of course, it doesn't work in an instant. Proper training, positive reinforcements, and guidance are essential in dog and human communication.
The tone that you make when you speak also affects a canine's judgment. A dog may also respond to specific intonations and volumes, regardless of what you're saying.
In dog and human communication, you need to know the importance of tone and volume. Aside from saying the command clear as crystal, it would be best to put in the proper intonation. Training a dog to understand the words that you say is challenging, but remember this rule. Say every command to your dog as if you're talking to a child, clear and calm.